Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Twitter Redeemed

Last year some of my classmates gave a presentation on how to use Twitter in the classroom. It sounded like a terrible idea to me. Even after their glowing half-hour presentation. And after months of hearing my friends' phones beep, buzz or ring every two minutes with a new tweet, I swore I'd never get a Twitter. That's where I drew the line. I also swore I'd never start blogging. We can see how well that went. So yes, first I caved and started blogging. Three weeks in, I mentioned it to my best friend who was surprised I hadn't told her that I blog. "It's pathetically mediocre, Sabra." I assured her, just so she'd know she hadn't missed out on anything.

"Leah, nearly all blogs are pathetically mediocre."

Oh. Well that made me feel a little better. It wasn't long then before I caved again and got a Twitter. I still only tweet about once a week. I'm convinced that no one really cares to be updated on my life more often than that. But I still stuck to my guns about Twitter and education. Oil and water. Until today. In an interesting tie back to my last post, it was a Prezi that may have just changed my mind. Here it is.


And in the meantime, before I have students of my own, I'd like to tweet with other teachers and my fellow students about education. Does anyone know if I can set up a Twitter that I could use solely for that purpose? A professional Twitter? Sadly, I know that most of my friends will quit following me if I start tweeting about Bloom's Taxonomy and Vygotsky. And if it is possible to set up a separate professional Twitter account, is there anyone out there who would like to do the same so we can bounce ideas off one another with tweets? Let me know!

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